Startup First Steps

13-week accelerator course for current and future tech startup founders and those looking to develop tech startup idea to launch. Applications open now! 

What is Techscaler Startup First Steps?

Startup First Steps is a practical course, designed for current or prospective startup founders in Scotland who are in the early stages of their startup journey with the goal of getting a first version of their product into the market.

It’s designed for individuals committed to exploring the viability and opportunity of a startup idea in a specific sector/market/problem area. You may still be at the idea stage, or further along and have some sort of product that you’re testing the viability of. Startup First Steps is designed to support founders in the ideation to MVP stage of startup development.

The Autumn '24 cohort begins September 4th 2024 and runs until November 27th 2024, with 10 weeks of live content and 3 weeks of events and supporting sessions.

Course delivery and format

Startup First Steps sessions are highly collaborative, balancing lectures from industry experts, founders at different stages of the startup journey, and practical and group activities and discussions to apply session teachings.

  • Ten, three-hour live sessions (held Wednesdays from 10-1pm) across 13 weeks
  • Three reflection weeks with hotdesking perks
  • No cost or equity stake involved, funded by the Scottish Government. See state aid info.
  • Hybrid format, accessible across Scotland, with in-person and online participation options, more info.
  • All course information and updates shared via a private cohort group on the Techscaler online community platform
  • Optional group drop-ins with selected speakers
  • Additional regional events to engage with the wider startup ecosystem and deep dive into specific course topics
  • Additional reading material and resources provided
  • Practical frameworks that you can implement directly into your startup

Not sure if this is for you?

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Join at Techscaler hub locations across Scotland

  • In-person workshops, at our hubs

    Sessions will be across Techscaler hubs, travelling to different hubs week to week, with speakers delivering sessions across Scotland.

  • Hybrid watch party, at our hubs

    Whole hubs will take turns in hosting the live delivery of each session, a meeting space will be available at each hub, every week, for local participants to come together and join the session, as a group.

  • Online sessions, from anywhere

    For those who are not able to engage with the in-person options, or would simply prefer to tune in from the comfort of their home, the course will also be accessible online, remotely.

Course Communications

In order to fully take part in this course you will be required to join and regularly check the cohort’s online private group. The private group will be a place for participants across the country to connect and keep up to date with all course updates. All joining information, course materials and resources and more will be hosted in this centralised space only.

Course eligibility & requirements

Who is this course for?
Startup First Steps is designed for current or prospective founders committed to dedicating time and energy to exploring the viability of a tech startup idea.

The minimum criteria to take part is you must already have a tech startup idea in a specific sector, market or problem area.

  • Startup founders who have launched an early product and are starting to onboard customers and grow
  • Pre-revenue founders looking to commercialise a product
  • Startup founders seeking pre-seed investment or other early stage funding
  • A second (or more) time founder or startup operator at any of the above stages who wants to progress quicker and more efficiently this time round, with support
  • Founders of an existing hardware product with plans to build a software product element

This list is not exhaustive. If you are founder that meets the minimum requirement, and believe you would benefit from taking part in Startup First Steps, we encourage you to apply.

Apply now

Who is this course not suitable for?

  • Startup operators who are not the founder/co-founder
  • Founders with a product in market and a growing paying customer base (see Startup Next Steps and Reforge membership)
  • Individuals interested in entrepreneurship, but without a specific sector, market, customer or problem area in mind (see Startup Basics)

Course completion requirements:

  • Completion of post course reflection survey
  • Course attendance of at least 60%
  • Submission of the assignment, which involves submissions of a completed business model canvas of your choice at the start and end of the course

The course is suitable for early stage founders. This could include:

Techscaler education is tailored to each startup growth stage

See all courses

Syllabus topics and outcomes

Startup First Steps

  • Week 1: Getting Started

    Start with the basics: find out more about the startup scene, and tech startup business models. Hear from founders a few steps ahead in their startup journey, and meet the wider cohort.

  • Week 2: Understanding Problems

    Dissect the problem: Break down your idea into a problem statement, analyse the core problem your idea is solving and build an awareness of founder biases and how to avoid them.

  • Week 3: Understanding Markets

    Define your market(s): Quickly identify the size and nature of the market you’re entering and how you could position your product to have a big impact.

  • Reflection Week One

    This is the first of three reflection weeks during the course. You are expected to use this time to start implementing course teachings in your own startup or idea. Additionally, there will be a schedule of optional, relevant events throughout the week we encourage you to attend.

  • Week 4: Understanding Customers

    Find your customers: Discover why customer-led design is the key to building successful startups, and use this approach to create a customer research plan for your startup.

  • Week 5: Experimentation

    Test your assumptions: Learn how you can experiment and iterate to develop your software solution and business by engaging directly with potential users. Shift your thinking from 'building my idea' to 'learning what works'.

  • Week 6: Product Discovery

    Developing a lean product: Understand what it takes to move beyond early experiments and on to ‘discovering’ a true minimal viable product that users will love and customers will pay for, in a low cost, low risk way.

  • Reflection Week Two

    Similar to the first reflection week, you are encouraged to use this time to make progress with your startup. There will be another schedule of relevant events to get involved with throughout the week.

  • Week 7: Product (to) Market Strategy

    Acquire and grow your early customer base: As you move to having a product live in market, learn how other founders and early stage employees have tactically approached product-to-market customer acquisition and growth tactics. Understand what to learn or prove from your initial customer base.

  • Week 8: Funding & Futureproofing

    Funding the next steps: Learn about different funding and investment options available, and what the implications of each may be for your business. Hear from founders’ first hand experiences of navigating financing options as well as their advice on financial management, investor relations, hiring, intellectual property and regulatory compliance.

  • Week 9: Pitching

    Storytelling as pitching: Learn how to succinctly articulate your startup's story and adapt it for different audiences and purposes. Hear from founders with experience of pitching in different contexts.

  • Reflection Week Three

    The final reflection week will again feature various optional events to get involved with. We also encourage you to use this time to complete and submit the course assignment.

  • Week 10: Showcase and Next Steps

    Celebrate progress and look ahead: Come together with your peers in person and online to celebrate the completion of First Steps, and look ahead with energy and excitement for what’s to come. We’ll hear pitches from selected members from the cohort, hear from more founders a few steps ahead and learn what other opportunities and support there are in the wider startup ecosystem. Expect plenty of time to network with the wider Techscaler network and representatives from other startup support organisations.

    Please note, the showcase will be a longer event.

Please note the course syllabus, format and duration is subject to change for each cohort based on participant feedback.

Join Techscaler

If our education courses are of interest to you, apply for Techscaler membership. Membership is for people working in startups who are at all stages of the startup journey, from ideation through to scaling phase, based in Scotland, and with ambitions to grow their business. Fill in the application form and Team Techscaler will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know your suitability for Techscaler membership and benefits available to you.

You can also keep up to date with our tech events and sign up to receive the latest news from Techscaler and the Scottish tech ecosystem.